EP 97: Brilliance and resilience with author and CEO advisor Saj-nicole Joni | 24th May 2024

Saj-nicole Joni, renowned as the first female professor of mathematics at MIT and a pivotal executive in Microsoft's formative years, now dedicates her expertise to advising top CEOs as a 'CEO whisperer.' With a wealth of experience in leadership and innovation, she helps high-performing leaders navigate complex challenges, make strategic decisions, and elevate their organizations to new heights. Discover the insights and strategies that have made her a trusted advisor to some of the world's most influential executives.

Our host, Moz Afzal:


Our guests:

Saj-nicole Joni, Ph.D., Author, CEO Cambridge International Group Ltd:


Nathan Furr, Innovation & Strategy professor, INSEAD 




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EP 97: Brilliance and resilience with author and CEO advisor Saj-nicole Joni | 24th May 2024
Broadcast by